
Achieve Excellence in Business Processes

The New Look

I have launched the Process Improvement Blog in an entirely new look. It was "The Photoshopper" who suggested me the redesigning of this blog and then volunteered to lead this task. Myself being a demanding quality professional, it was not easy for him to come up with a template which satisfies all my requirements. Using his experience in Photoshop, HTML coding, and vast knowledge of blog tools, widgets, do's & dont's, etc. this blog finally got its new look.

I think it looks lot more smooth, and is more user-friendly than its predecessor. Please feel free to leave your comments on the new design. Now, the pressure is on me to post regularly and keep the blog alive in steeply growing blogosphere.

If you are looking for some freelance design services to get a new website, blog, or logo I would highly recommend contacting "The Photoshopper".